With the help of Interactive Whiteboards learning or collaborating is always a dynamic experience. Students can express their ideas and explore their interests more because of the fun they have while using an interactive board. Interactive boards will make the students leave their seats and eager to learn in and intuitive way.
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Interactive whiteboards have got a lot of features. A teacher can switch from running an online quiz to playing a video or surfing the internet. Each and everything has now been integrated. There is no need to worry about the mediums or devices that you use. Your interaction will be amazing while using different devices whether, it is a video or a presentation of just internet usage. You can switch different modes.
Enrich your flipbook with interactive elements embedded anywhere on the page: add video tutorials for stronger engagement, insert pop-up images and external links to useful info. Learn more Content protection Making sure that your content is secure on the web is vital. This interactive, realtime, online collaboration tool lets you work better regardless wherever you are in the World. Ziteboard is a clean collaboration software for businesses online and a simple, free brainstorming, tutoring tool for education.
Multiple students can use a single board because of the multi touch technology. You can use pens while erasing material already on the board. There are powerful tools available in the classroom adding value to having an interactive and collaborative classroom. Traditional notes create a wide range of learning opportunities for students when a teacher uses them in an interactive manner.
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Pakistani Schools
In Pakistan schools are rapidly adopting this technology to familiarize their students with the latest technology. It is an amazing technology to use but still it is not being widely used and acting as glorified blackboards. Therefore, interactive boards can be very cost saver as it provides a means of education for the entire classroom. It uses only a single computer and a multimedia projector. It is much better than equipping your premises with an entire IT room of every student with a costly laptop to learn. You can get the same benefits from an interactive board. While encouraging the students to have different kinds of interactive activities in groups and individually.
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Interactive Whiteboardsmr. Mac's Page App
A Web Whiteboard. Interactive Touch Screen Touch screen that allows for up to 10-point touch and drawing capabilities, with a palm eraser tool Easy File management from storing and retrieving directly on the IWB memory to sharing with email, network clients or USB. Using Interactive Whiteboards within your lessons is an excellent way of adding a deeper dimension to children's learning, whilst increasing retention levels simultaneously. Interactive SMARTBoards are used in conjunction with projectors and laptops, enabling teachers and pupils to physically interact with lesson content.