How To Develop An Email Content Calendar

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A calendar will let you take a big-picture approach to social media content planning. It will help you visualize your ideas and organize them in a way that makes the strategy easier to execute. Your content calendar will be a hub for everything you post. Download Your Email Marketing Calendar Template Make it easy on yourself and download your email marketing calendar template. This easy-to-use Excel spreadsheet will give you and your email marketing team the bird’s eye view you need to keep every sent email campaign organized. Get your #email #marketing calendar template from @CoSchedule. Apr 29, 2020 Too often, bloggers take an ad-hoc approach to producing content. While this strategy might work for a while, it will inevitably lead to problems and stall out efforts to grow a blog—such as eventually running out of creative steam and not knowing which blog post ideas to pursue next, losing sight of your overall content marketing strategy, or missing deadlines and opportunities for promotion. How to Create a Content Calendar – Full Guide Content Marketing Masterclass: Part Four. If this is the fourth part you’re reading, you are clearly on a content marketing roll: whipping up a content strategy, coming up with all those juicy content ideas.

You can let your users access their contacts and appointments so they can share content, email, calendar info, or messages with each other, or whatever functionality you design.

To see a few different ways in which your app can access contacts and appointments, see these topics:

Select contactsThrough the Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts namespace, you have several options for selecting contacts. Here, we'll show you how to select a single contact or multiple contacts, and we'll show you how to configure the contact picker to retrieve only the contact information that your app needs.
Send emailShows how to launch the compose email dialog to allow the user to send an email message. You can pre-populate the fields of the email with data before showing the dialog. The message will not be sent until the user taps the send button.
Send an SMS messageThis topic shows you how to launch the compose SMS dialog to allow the user to send an SMS message. You can pre-populate the fields of the SMS with data before showing the dialog. The message will not be sent until the user taps the send button.
Manage appointmentsThrough the Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments namespace, you can create and manage appointments in a user's calendar app. Here, we'll show you how to create an appointment, add it to a calendar app, replace it in the calendar app, and remove it from the calendar app. We'll also show how to display a time span for a calendar app and create an appointment-recurrence object.
Connect your app to actions on a contact cardShows how to make your app appear next to actions on a contact card or mini contact card. Users can choose your app to perform an action such as open a profile page, place a call, or send a message.
Adding My People support to an applicationShows how to add My People support to an application and how to pin and unpin contacts on the taskbar.
My People sharingShows how to add support for My People sharing, which lets users share content with their pinned contacts by dragging files from the File Explorer to a My People pin.
My People notificationsShows how to create and use My People notifications, a new kind of toast notification that's sent from a pinned contact.

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How To Develop An Email Content Calendar

By Monica MontesaOctober 12, 2015

Do your emails have a tendency to creep up on you? Find out how easy it is to create and manage an editorial calendar to organize your emails.

It’s yet another manic Monday when suddenly, you remember your weekly newsletter should go out today. Since it totally fell off your radar, you cancel your morning meetings to whip together an email that may not be your best work, but gets the job done.

Three hours later, you finally send a subpar email to subscribers. Now, you’re faced with the task of catching up on your work for the day.

Sound familiar?

Sending emails at a regular cadence to your subscribers isn’t always easy. Creating the content and designing it takes time and energy, and if you’re a busy entrepreneur, it’s not uncommon for it to fall by the wayside.


If you plan ahead, however, you’ll find it gets easier to create emails that engage subscribers.

Meet your new BFF: the editorial calendar.

The editorial calendar is a tool often used by those who publish regular content for an audience (e.g., journalists, bloggers). It allows content creators to plan out the process for creating and publishing content weeks or months in advance, from brainstorming a piece to writing it.

In other words, it’s what keeps publishers sane. And it’s perfect for organizing your emails.

Create your email editorial calendar in 4 simple steps.

There are a number of ways to create an editorial calendar for your emails. Here’s a simple recipe to help you get started:

How To Develop An Email Content Calendar

1. Build the framework.

Many people find using a spreadsheet platform such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets the most convenient for building a calendar, and I recommend following suit. Once you have your brand new document, add columns for the following:

How To Develop An Email Content Calendar Of Events

  • Email Type. This is where you will add information regarding the general purpose of the email. Is it promotional, a blog update or a newsletter?
  • Email List/Audience. Who should be receiving this email? Your entire list, or a specific segment of subscribers?
  • Design. What design elements will you need for this email (e.g., images)? Who will work on creating them?
  • Send Date. When do you plan on sending this email to subscribers? (Keep in mind that your content calendar will be fluid, so you can change various details and move emails around if needed.)
  • Author. Who on your team is responsible for creating the email content and sending it to subscribers?

While you can add additional columns as needed for your specific email strategy (such as a column for the call to action), consider the recommendation above your “email editorial calendar essentials.”

When you’re done, your calendar should look something like this:

2. Brainstorm.

Schedule an hour for yourself or your team to brainstorm email content for the next two to three months. I encourage you to start with any recurring messages you send to subscribers, such as a weekly newsletter or blog updates. Here’s a quick checklist of other things to consider:

  • Upcoming promotions
  • Product or service updates
  • Events
  • Holidays. Email engagement is typically lower on holidays and the Fridays before holiday weekends. Additionally, consider how you can tie your email content or promotions around the holidays.
  • Information or assets needed for your emails (e.g., images, promotion details, etc.)

You should also use this time to fill in the other columns in the calendar template you created earlier, such as who will author each email.

3. Plot your content.

Once you’ve planned out the details of your upcoming emails, add them to your calendar. Pc software read mac hard drivetabletsupernal. Be mindful of the days you’re scheduling emails to go out to your subscribers. If you want to send an email promoting a holiday sale, for example, make sure it’s timely.

4. Start writing.

Now that your email editorial calendar is created, you can start working on your emails. And don’t forget to enjoy the wonders of a well-planned email strategy.

How To Develop An Email Content Calendar 2020

Your turn!

How To Develop An Email Content Calendar 2020

How to develop an email content calendar template

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Now that you’re ready to create your own email editorial calendar, I encourage you to give it a try. If you already use an editorial calendar for your emails, I’d love to hear how it’s improving your productivity!