Try to do this experiment: Notice what word is in your head while typing a sentence. You'll notice that the word in your head is often a couple of words further along the sentence than the one you are typing at that moment So it's easy for your hands to skip a word sometimes. This isn't dyslexia in my opinion. Enclose the word(s) in parentheses that you'd like left out. These words will be replaced by a blank like and included in the word bank. Example: An (apple) is a fruit that can be red, green, or yellow.
- Madlibsfill In The Missing Words Unscramble
- Madlibsfill In The Missing Words Worksheets
- Madlibsfill In The Missing Words List
- Madlibsfill In The Missing Words Crossword Clue
What came first, the chicken or the NOUN?
Basketball is the best Body Part in the world
I like my donuts with extra VERB on them.
Flip-flops are a staple of any ADJECTIVE summer wardrobe.
Be careful not to vacuum the NOUN when you clean under your bed.
Love is what makes the NOUN go round.
BBQ at my house! Everyone's invited, and it's Bring Your Own NOUN!
It doesn't matter if you're Irish...on St. Patrick's Day everybody wears shamrocks on their PART OF THE BODY (PLURAL).
April showers brings May PLURAL NOUN .
My daily exercise is VERB ENDING IN 'ING' after my school bus in the morning!
Madlibsfill In The Missing Words Unscramble
I like my hot dogs with mustard, relish, and PLURAL NOUN.
My gym locker stinks because I'm always leaving my dirty ARTICLE OF CLOTHING (PLURAL) in there!!
One jelly donut with whipped cream and extra PLURAL NOUN, please!
Madlibsfill In The Missing Words Worksheets
If you're going to challenge a couple to a chicken fight during spring break, make sure they're more ADJECTIVE than you!
Madlibsfill In The Missing Words List
Once that ADJECTIVE music comes on, it's time to shut down your acceptance speech!
Madlibsfill In The Missing Words Crossword Clue
Now it’s easier than ever before to find the wacky Mad Libs stories you love!