Most kids will be home from school for several weeks, as we try to slow the spread. Children’s book authors are rising to the occasion, presenting free online story times, where they read their books out loud. This is a unique opportunity for kids to get to know their favorite author (or a new one.)
Teachers Teaching Tools Homepage. Sign up for our Teacher Newsletter to get teaching ideas, classroom activities, and see our latest deals. For its 6th edition, Final Cut Pro X experts from around the world will gather virtually at the FCPX Global Virtual Summit. The LIVE, interactive, virtual conference features seven full days of cutting-edge sessions, presented by top industry professionals who are well versed in the latest FCPX and Motion software, plugins, and editing techniques.
In addition, other organizations will be offering some live streaming activities for kids.
These will take place on Facebook, Instagram, and perhaps other platforms. Please be patient with the hosts of these events. For many, this is the first time they’ve done it, and technology can be a little quirky.
Keep reading for a current list of live streaming events for kids!
Also, we’re adding these events to our big Virtual Events Calendar, which also includes concerts, lectures, and much more, for both adults and kids.
This page is just for live streaming events, but for many more online activities for kids, check out our list of fun, educational and free websites for kids.
Please note that all the times on our calendar are Eastern Time. I’ve done the math for you, hopefully correctly.
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Mondays with Michelle Obama
Week 4mr. Mac's Virtual Existence Date
Every Monday, at 12 p.m., from April 20th to May 11th, Michelle Obama will read a book to children on the PBS Facebook page and YouTube channel. The videos will remain viewable after the live event.
Family Sing-Along with Emerson Waldorf School
Emerson Waldorf School, of Chapel Hill, is leading a free Family Sing-Along every Wednesday, at 6:30 p.m., through June 3rd. The activity is perfect for kids in PreK through grade 4. The sing-along will take place on Emerson Waldorf School Chorus’ YouTube channel. Here’s a link to the songs.
North Carolina Zoo
The North Carolina Zoo is offering EDventures Online on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 10 a.m. on Facebook. Learn about these virtual visits, as well as Zoo Classroom, nature activities, science experiments and more.
Shrink Ray Farms in Washington
Shrink Ray Farms in the state of Washington is going online twice a week. Every Tuesday at 5 p.m., meet the reptiles. And every Friday at 3 p.m., watch them share treats with goats and sheep. Go to Shrink Ray Farms website and you’ll find a link that says “Join us here!” for the streams.
LeVar Burton Reads
LeVar Burton, of Reading Rainbow (and Roots and Star Trek), is continuing his mission of promoting literacy. He is presenting a live stream version of his podcast, “LeVar Burton Reads,” on Twitter. He will be reading family-friendly books on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, on his Twitter account. He’ll be reading something for children at 12 p.m. those days, and for teens at 6 p.m. He also reads books on his podcast, LeVar Burton Reads.
Dakota and Friends Dinosaur Show
Tune in every day at noon for a live dinosaur show, with songs, dancing, crafts and more. Recorded right in Concord! Watch on Dakota and Friends Facebook page. Also look there for any changes in schedule.
Bedtime Stories with Dolly Parton
Dolly Parton is reading bedtime stories to children every Thursday night at 7 p.m. (scheduled from April 2nd to June 4th) on Facebook. More info here.
Family Storytime from ImaginOn
Charlotte Mecklenburg Library and ImaginOn are hosting Family Storytimes every day through April 3rd, at 9:30 a.m.
Tune in to ImaginOn’s Facebook page for the virtual events.
Storytelling with Elaine Lindy
Elaine Lindy, of, will tell a fairy tale or folk tale every Saturday at 11 a.m., through the end of 2020. On Facebook Live.
Lincoln Center Pop-Up Classroom
Every weekday morning at 10 a.m., Lincoln Center Pop-Up Classroom brings you a daily dose of creative art-making. A Lincoln Center Teaching Artist will lead families and kids in a workshop that uses simple materials found at home. Conducted on Facebook Live.
Riverbanks Zoo and Garden
Riverbanks Zoo, in Columbia, SC, is streaming Z-Learning live on their Facebook page every weekday at 10 a.m. Meet and learn about animals! The videos will also be on Riverbanks’ website by 2 p.m. each day.
Tuesdays with Tinkergarten: Free Virtual Class
Every Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. head to Tinkergarten’s Facebook page for a free virtual Facebook Live Tinkergarten class led by founder Meghan Fitzgerald. Classes will last roughly 20 minutes and you won’t need any special equipment. Here’s the Facebook event. The event is currently scheduled every Tuesday through May 19th.
Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden’s Home Safari
Each week, 7 days a week, starting at 3 p.m., Cincinnati Zoo is going Facebook Live with Home Safari. They’ll introduce you to one of their animals, and include an activity that you can do at home. Go to Cincinnati Zoo’s Facebook page for the Facebook Live event.
This list will be growing!
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Sunday, February 21, 2021
Monday, February 22, 2021
Have an idea for an “I Can’t,” either to attend or to facilitate? Head to the Suggestion Box.
Week 4mr. Mac's Virtual Existence Items
‘Member summer camp? Where you learned, participated, and stretched yourself amongst an invigorating blend of familiar and new faces? Where you were led by welcoming, low-key counselors in a welcoming, low-key environment where you were up for trying?
In Mac & Cheese Productions’ I Can’t series, adults state they’re unable to do something, they try it with a bunch of other adults who also “can’t,” and everyone proves themselves wrong and not only does the thing, but enjoys it and says, “That wasn’t so bad. In fact, kinda fun. Good for me! What’s next?!”
Week 4mr. Mac's Virtual Existence Key
Through I Can’t, adults do the thing they’ve been wanting to do but haven’t done because [insert excuse here].
Week 4mr. Mac's Virtual Existence Reality
As at camp, topics and structure are varied but the “be yourself amongst others being themselves and witness the magic that happens when you try with others trying” vibe is pervasive.